


Source: Ology, July 29, 2010

K-Town is coming for Jersey Shore!

K-Town Vs. Jersey Shore.

Hey, The Situation. The guy over there juxtaposed next to you goes by the government name of Peter Le. Le, 27, is already being dubbed "The Situasian" for his eerie similarity and buff quality as his counterpart here. According to Peter, he likes drinking, and he's got a bit of anger and smoking issues going on, too. Nice.

And this is just one comparison. Le is headlining a brand-spanking-new cast of party kids ready to GTL, Asian-style. The group is looking to make their show, entitled K-Town, the next big television hit. Set on the opposite shores of New Jersey, the reality series looks to document the party-filled lives of 8 Asian Americans living in Koreatown, Los Angeles. The producers themselves say that they plan to "show Asian Americans like they've never been seen before to the rest of the world."
Let me just say.... there is no way that this can possibly end well. For anyone.

1 comment:

  1. Not big on the Jersey Shore comparison. It's gonna make peope not want to watch. Even if it is a different place and different cast. (and Asians are hot!) It's makes them seem like wannabe. I would drop the comparison. Peter remind me nothing of Mike. Peter is just a buff sexy guy and Mike is a semi buff douchebag.

    (The producers themselves say that they plan to "show Asian Americans like they've never been seen before to the rest of the world.")

    I'm loving that. It would be great to see Asians portrayed in different ways other than martial arts, nerds and others. I am praying this gets picked up. I love Asains. My icon has made that clear.
